Translation Vs. Localization Vs. Transcreation

Dynamic Language | January 5, 2017

We want to ensure that your translation project is all that you hoped for. Dynamic Language offers three distinct translation services; translation, localization and  transcreation.  Here is a breakdown of each so you can make informed decisions on what type of translation service will best suit the needs of your project.

When deciding to work with a language service provider, it can be beneficial to understand the variances in services they offer. Translation Vs. Localization Vs. Transcreation. How do you choose the right service? No language service type is better than another. Each have their place and appropriate time to utilize. Here are recommendations to help guide you in choosing the appropriate language service type on future projects.


Translation is the process of translating words or text from one language into another. We recommend translation for technical documents, FAQ’s etc. as the copy will tend to not include cultural references or be used for marketing purposes.


Localization is the process of adapting words from one language into another, in order to maintain tone, nuance and context. We recommend localization for any copy for landing pages, tutorials, brochures, and any content that includes symbols/icons.


Transcreation is the process of adapting a message from one language to another, while maintaining its intent, style, tone and context. The phrase has historically been used by advertising and marketing professionals looking to transfer the meaning of a message into a new language. We recommend homepages and all marketing materials, slogans, advertising copy and imagery all be transcreated in order to better resonate with its target audience.



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