Blog posts
Category: mobile application

Dynamic Language | The Pros and Cons of Software Localization

The Pros and Cons of Software Localization

It’s second nature for us to proclaim the benefits of localization, but is there ever a downsid… read more

Dynamic Language | Purrfect Your Spanish with CatAcademy

Purrfect Your Spanish with CatAcademy

… read more

Dynamic Language | Dynamic Review: iTranslate Voice version 2.0

Dynamic Review: iTranslate Voice version 2.0

Version 2.0 of Sonico Mobile’s popular app iTranslate Voice released early July, and it boasts … read more

Dynamic Language | What's new: a recap of language-based iPhone apps

What's new: a recap of language-based iPhone apps

iPhone app developers are on a roll! It seems we’re introduced to a new translation app every week… read more

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