So, your brand is ready to take your AdWords campaigns to international markets? If that’s the case, then you need to translate your AdWords campaigns to speak to each specific audience effectively. A successful global AdWords campaign requires more than just translating existing content. Ideally, you need to apply transcreation to get the job done right.
Question: Can you simply translate your SEO keywords from English to a foreign language?
Answer: No, you can’t. People don’t necessarily use the exact same search terms when searching in different languages.
Let’s use the search term “shea butter” as an example. In the UK, over 8,000 people use this term in searches each month. It’s Spanish equivalent is “manteca de karate.” Only 3,600 people in Spain use that search term monthly.
This does not mean that people in Spain don’t search online for products related to shea butter. What it means is that you need to do international SEO keyword research to localize what SEO keywords you will be targeting. This will help you figure out what related terms your potential international clients are using online. Spanish consumers use “karite properties” and “karite cream” more often, instead.
Localization allows you to “adapt” words from one language into another. However, this process keeps the same nuance, tone, and context as the original.
The key to localization is that you’re adapting the content to resonate with the target audience. A professional Language Service Provider will reproduce and reinvent your AdWords campaigns, using appropriate SEO keywords to increase click-throughs from your international target market.
For your international AdWords campaigns to be successful, find the answers to these key questions:
Keep in mind that your answers may vary from language to language. The key is to do SEO keyword research based on the language (and country) you are targeting with your international AdWords campaign.
When users click on your AdWords campaign, the ad will direct them to a relevant landing page. Its primary purpose is to convert them. Maybe you want them to join a mailing list or download a free e-book. Either way, your landing page needs to be localized for that target language to get users to complete your call-to-action as desired.
A professional Language Services Provider will ensure that the appropriate due diligence is done to understand SEO keywords used in your AdWords ads as well as their corresponding landing pages. File names are extremely important to your SEO ranking. So are your alt tags and meta-tags. These all need to be localized.
To have a successful international translated AdWords campaign, you need to utilize the following Google tools:
Of course, you should begin your SEO keyword planning using Keyword Planner. This will give you the base keywords to start your international strategy.
Using Google Market Finder will help you identify the popular search terms used in a target language. This Google translation tool helps you reach more than 1.9 million customers globally. Here are some of the benefits of Google Market Finder:
With the right international language optimization, your ROI for global AdWords campaigns, will be significant.
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