Agile Framework for Content and Translation

Dynamic Language | March 25, 2015

Agile Framework for Content and TranslationThe agile methodology is a method of managing a project where many different tasks are completed at the same time in short bursts or “sprints”, as opposed to the traditional waterfall method where they are completed one after another. Agile is important to localization because it is one of the most common techniques used by those who need a fluid, dynamic translation solution. The main difference between agile localization and the more traditional waterfall variety is that agile localization allows the different parts of a project to get completed in shorter sprints, instead of one after the other. This means that agile localization is more responsive to changes that come up during the course of the project.

While pursuing an agile strategy, it is important to consider the content framework of the localization project. Without the right kind of framework it is difficult to attain success with agile localization: these tips will help you strengthen your agile framework for content and translation.

Improve Communication

One of the most important tenets of an agile framework is making sure that everyone involved with the localization project is working cohesively. Even teams that don’t normally work directly together should be able to interface with each other during the agile process.

This method is commonly found in agile localization projects for software. The translation team might not normally work with customer service or sales, but with an agile framework this kind of communication is encouraged so that the translators can receive quick answers from the most relevant resources in the team. It’s also important to have an efficient communication platform in place, such as a project management protocol or tool to enhance collaboration.

Standardize Sprint Deliverables

Agile development is all about the sprint, a small spurt of development that happens as quickly as possible. Because a series of sprints is what makes up the entire agile process, it is important that everyone who is involved has a good sense of what is expected from each sprint. The actual composition of each sprint will vary depending on the nature of the localization project, but it should be clear during each sprint what the goals are. For example, a healthcare coding software provider might have a sprint for a set of updates based on new rules for coding languages.

Consider Agile Resources Needed

In agile development, it is important to conserve the resources required for localization in the interest of completing sprints quickly. In a blog post covering agile localization, Adobe advises agile teams to automate as much of the localization process as possible so that they can spend less time doing things like sending translation requests back and forth and spend more time attaining results. Companies also need to strike a good balance between automating things like repetitive labels and product descriptions and not compromising the quality of their localization process. Instead of the actual translation process itself, automation should be about setting up the process for translators to get their work done effectively by minimizing the amount of manual communication that is necessary during sprints.

An agile framework for content and translation is integral for localization projects, especially when they are longer-term. Be sure that you take the time to create a sufficiently agile framework for content and translation so that you can make this type of localization go as smoothly as possible.


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