Facebook Takes the Global Translation World by Storm

Emanuel Longo | May 26, 2010

Facebook has come a long way from simply being a social networking platform where long lost friends can reconnect. Ever since they’ve expanded to let anyone join, their international appeal has risen tremendously. In fact, approximately 48% of the total Facebook population has another language than English as their setting. These numbers will likely continue to grow in the coming months as they expand their reach to Russia, Germany and Brazil.

Many application games offered on Facebook can also let the user experience it in their chosen language. Once the user setting is detected, it will auto-display in one of currently six supported languages. Facebook has also offered a feature, “Choose your audience” for language-based targeting of Fan Page posts. A Fan Page Manager’s dream come true! This easily allows for optimization and customization for each user group, only seeing the content targeted to the user’s location and language preferences.

Learn more on how reach your fans in their language now!



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