ISO 17100 is the new internationally recognized standard for companies within the translation industry, which covers the essential processes for providing translation and localization services.
ISO 17100 establishes and defines the translator, the translation process, and client expectations when it comes to quality of service. Its aim is to outline the service a client will receive within a recognized set of procedures that are carried out to an “industry best practice” level. The ISO 17100 standard integrates terminology used in the translation field, by creating a standard structure for translation services. It formalizes the interaction process between clients and language service providers in terms of the work flow, terminology management, and the usage of subject matter experts.
ISO 17100 provides requirements for the core processes, resources and other aspects necessary for the delivery of a quality translation service by Dynamic Language.
ISO 17100 was prepared by the International Standards Organization’s Technical Committee ISO/TC 37, Terminology and other language and content resources, Subcommittee SC 5, Translation, interpreting and related technology. It traces back to the current European standard for translation services, EN 15038, released in 2006. Standards are reviewed every five years, and since the Vienna agreement encourages issuing standards on the highest, international level, and avoiding duplication between European and international standards, an initiative from several national standards organizations led to work on this ISO standard in 2011.
“Being certified to ISO 17100 is a fantastic badge of quality,” says Dynamic Language Partner, Rick Antezana, “It tells our clients and suppliers that Dynamic Language is a serious, professional translation company that takes pride in its work, and that can demonstrate solid, documented quality processes.”
“For our clients, it means that they can rely not only on the quality of the translations we produce, but also on our behind-the-scenes workflows and processes. It also means that they can count on our project managers’ skills and training to plan ahead and consistently provide services of the highest standard.”
For ISO 17100 companies, translators should have documented evidence that they can meet at least one of the following criteria:
The translation-focused ISO 17100 standard establishes the requirements going forward for translation agencies to provide top quality services. Many industries will require adherence to the new ISO 17100 quality standard, and all clients of Dynamic Language will benefit by the continued application of its ISO 17100 certified Quality Management System.
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