About Dynamic Language


About Us

For over 30 years, Dynamic Language has provided exceptional translation, interpretation, and localization services to clients both in the U.S. and across the globe.

The Seattle-based company is a certified woman-owned and minority-owned business, with a unique reputation for always delivering outstanding quality services. The company started in Seattle in 1985 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most recognized language service providers based in the United States. In order to provide clients with the utmost standards of excellence in our industry. Dynamic earned ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certification in 2012, and ISO 17100 in 2016.

Dynamic has adapted and grown to consistently meet the needs of clients and will never cease in the pursuit of innovation.

In the words of Dynamic Language CEO, Rick Antezana:

“Our success is tied to your success. You can count on us to provide accurate, efficient, and cost-effective services on every project.”

Trusted. Accurate. Efficient.
Our passion is to assist our clients through an ISO certified project process and successfully get their message across, while maintaining intact the quality of its cultural nuances. We look forward to working together and showing you how we can do this for your company.
Dynamic Language Core Values
Our  Core Values  are the guidelines that define our professional behavior and constitute the backbone of our work ethic.  They are, in short, the daily essence of our client relations and company culture. 

Behaving in a business-like manner, with skill, competence, and character; keeping promises.

Timely, attentive, and empathetic communication leading to greater trust and rapport.

A pleasant disposition, friendly and sociable; working together harmoniously.

Polite or considerate behavior with willingness, generosity, and civility.

Modesty and empathy; the ability to say, “I don’t know, but I’m willing to learn.”

The use of physical or mental energy to accomplish something; achievement through exertion.

Dynamic Language Code of Ethics

The following principles of ethical behavior are set forth to protect and guide everyone that is part of the Dynamic Language supply chain.


  • Staff and contractors shall keep all assignment-related information strictly confidential.
  • Guidelines:  Staff and contractors shall not reveal information about any assignment, including the fact that the service is being performed. Even seemingly unimportant information could be damaging in the wrong hands

  • The message shall be rendered faithfully, always conveying the content and the spirit of the original content. 

  • Contractors shall accept assignments using discretion regarding skill, expertise, project requirements, and any special instruction (such as turnaround time). 
  • Guidelines:  Contractors shall only accept assignments for which they are qualified. If political, religious or other differences may adversely affect the translation, the translator shall not accept the assignment. Contractors shall generally refrain from providing services for projects or situations where an existing relationship exists, such as for family members, close personal or professional relationships, where impartiality may be difficult.

  • Guidelines:  Contractor shall conduct themselves in such a manner that brings respect to themselves, the client and the profession. 

  • Contractors are encouraged to further their knowledge and skills through participation in training, classes, workshops, professional meetings, interaction with professional colleagues and reading of current literature in their fields of expertise. 

  • Contractors shall strive to maintain high professional standards in compliance with these  Code of Ethics

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