A few congratulations are in order…

Emanuel Longo | May 21, 2013

We are proud to announce that Dynamic Language was recently honored with two awards!

First, we’d like to congratulate our entire staff for being The 2012 Supplier of the Year (Class II) and John A. Gilmore awardsg honored as the 2012 Supplier of the Year (Class II), given by the Northwest Minority Supplier Development Council. This award celebrates minority owned companies who consistently demonstrate a commitment to excellence in the operation of their enterprise.

Second, we would also like to congratulate our own Sandy Dupleich, Executive Vice President of Dynamic Language, for being honored with the John A. Gilmore award. This award is given to a Minority Business Enterprise owner who exemplifies the spirit of activism and business expansion. Sandy is a strong advocate for her fellow MBEs, and our staff is very appreciative of her hard work and dedication.

Once again, thank you to our staff, and to Sandy, for making Dynamic Language the best it can be!

For more info, please visit: http://www.northwestmsdc.org/news/2013/5/13/northwest-msdc-celebrates-mbes-at-annual-awards-dinner.html


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