Making your company’s Core Values part of the everyday

Emanuel Longo | April 12, 2012
core values

Responsiveness, courtesy, professionalism, congeniality, effort, humility… Can you state your company’s core values?

As I’ve said before in our interpretation ethics post, it’s important to take some time every year to reflect on your values and ethics. It’s so easy to fall into a routine and stick with it, so a reminder of our core values is sometimes necessary to make sure we remember why we’re doing all we do.

As a company, Dynamic Language is working on a system that will help remind all employees of our core values on a regular basis. From letting employees paint a wall in the office corridor to handing out “Core Values” drink mugs to starting a new Values VIP awards system, management is hitting the ground running on this concept.

So why the big fuss?

As a company, we are often split into our separate departments: Interpreting department vs. Translation department. The Core Values concept has been put in place to create a driving force that will motivate everyone to work together to better serve our clients.

We’re building a unified company, where employees not only look at the company’s mission statement when they glance through their employee manual, but where they see our core values while performing their everyday tasks.

How do you and your company stay on the stay wavelength?


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