Learn languages online alongside native speakers

Emanuel Longo | August 17, 2010

LivemochaA Seattle web-based company may have found the solution to successful language-learning. The convenience of at-home learning and the value of native speakers as editors come together at LiveMocha.com, where you can be matched with other language learners from around the world.

Livemocha currently has 38 languages available for study! The site’s mission is to help users gain conversational knowledge. That means you won’t be able to translate a document when you’re finished with the online course, but you will be able to take an authentic trip around the world!

A free version of this language-learning program is available to members, but it’s limited. For full access to tutor reviews and international interactions, Livemocha encourages purchasing the course.

Here’s how the site works: Let’s say you speak English and you are looking to learn Russian.

Step 1: Go to LiveMocha and find someone who speaks Russian and is looking to learn English.
Step 2: Use online coursework, then trade pointers and edit each other’s compositions.
Step 3: Learn a language!


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